Would you like to sell a property? We can help you!

A property is one of our most valuable assets. This makes it all the more important to find a partner who knows the market and has a large customer network.

Many of our orders are based on recommendations from satisfied customers.

Every property is unique and requires a tailor-made strategy. We bring our market knowledge and draw on our many years of expertise. The best conditions to ideally showcase your property and successfully sell it.

As an experienced real estate company (including property management and tradesman services), we not only handle the sale, but also look after and maintain your property in the long term. This means that you are in control of the long-term value retention even after the purchase.

We give you our service promise and undertake to always take your interests into account.

That's how we work:

  • Initial consultation
  • On-site inspection
  • Meeting and price analysis
  • Determining the sales strategy
  • Completing all documents (plans, floor plans, energy certificate)
  • Professional photos if required
  • Creating the exposé
  • Presentation on our homepage with interface to all common real estate portals
  • Comparison with our customers' search profiles
  • Advertising in print media if required
  • Scheduling of viewings
  • Regular feedback
  • Negotiations and support for interested parties
  • Preparation of the purchase contract
  • Organization and implementation of the handover
  • Follow-up support if you have any questions

Our real estate marketing - comprehensive approach to prospective buyers through innovative marketing channels

  • high-quality database contacts and saved search profiles to ensure a perfect match
  • attractive professional photos
  • interactive exposé in digital and printed versions
  • interfaces to all common real estate portals
  • contactless 360° viewings (so you also save unnecessary appointments)
  • we create the necessary energy certificate
  • our order: order, marketing, viewing, negotiation, contract, aftercare.
  • We remain transparent in all phases and adapt entirely to your needs.